

S.D County Vision vs Expanded Community Vision

1. Where is the Epicentre Building located?

The Mira Mesa Epicentre is located at 8450 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92126 – next to Mira Mesa Community Park. How large is the facility? The building is roughly 8,000 square feet.


To expand and revise size and scope of building to best utilize the land allotted.

2. What will the building be used for?

The vision for the Mira Mesa Epicentre is to return it to its previous state as a central hub for the local community, offering programs, activities, classes, and events that benefit residents of all ages, interests, and abilities, with a special focus on youth and teens. Amenities will be developed based on community input, and programs will be offered to meet the needs of the people who live nearby. Diverse offerings will be available at all times and in multiple languages to ensure there are no barriers to attendance and participation.


A Cultural Performing Arts Center That is diverse and inclusive of the whole community which was part of the original approved plan in 1996. It was to have made the center self-sustainable and would have also been better able to tie the programs together and create a cohesive multi-cultural and generational space with purpose. The programs would have been self-created.

The Epicenter was never a successful venture which is why the building is closed.

3. How much funding is available for this project?

The project has a budget of $8 Million for design, environmental review, and construction.



With an influx of new people and new ideas will come new opportunities for both public and private funds and support. $ 8 million is a good start and we certainly don’t want to waste it. We want to ensure that this project is effective and can be an asset to the greater community for many years to come.

4. What is the timeframe for the project?

A survey was distributed to Mira Mesa High School students in Winter 2022. A similar survey was distributed to the residents living within 1 mile of the Epicentre Sept. 13 to Oct. 3, 2022. Feedback from the surveys, and engagement with project stakeholders, will be used to guide the development of the building concept plans. Development staff will present the concept plan during a community meeting on Nov. 10 and assess whether the design reflects community preferences. Staff will again use feedback from the community to help refine a final concept plan and begin design development of that plan by drafting construction documents. After the construction documents are complete, the County will solicit construction bids and begin renovation/construction of the facility. Anticipated completion is expected to be in Summer 2024.


We have expanded the scope of engagement to include a larger and more diverse population. We believe that a one-mile radius is insufficient.

5. Who will have access to the building and its recreational programs?

The Epicentre and its recreational programs will be available for all residents, with a majority of the open-hours and programs geared toward youth and teens. The facility will be available to the general public outside of those hours and will be publicized so residents can plan accordingly. Schedules will shift based on time of year and community interest.


Programs will be for the betterment of the whole community with a focus on youth and teens. Public hours 9am to 7pm / Auditorium hours as needed.

6. Why is this facility being developed by County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation rather than the City of San Diego?

The Epicentre building is owned by the City of San Diego. However, the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation intends to enter into a long-term agreement with the City of San Diego to operate all the programs and events at the facility.


We don’t know, the answer that the county has provided is not an explanation.

7. What is the desired outcome of the Epicentre?

Investing in today’s youth who will become tomorrow’s leaders is a high priority for the County of San Diego. The rehabilitation and operation of the Mira Mesa Epicentre would activate a highly desirable public space and improve public safety in the community. All DPR teen programs operate with the intention of diverting youth away from destructive and criminal activity and bringing them into a positive environment that equips them with tools that can help them lead healthy and productive lives. Additionally, we anticipate that the facility will be well known and highly used by residents of all ages, interests, and abilities in the community by making it available for a wider variety of events, programs, and meetings, and collaborating with neighboring City of San Diego Parks and Library, local schools, and community organizations.


A place where everybody can experience a sense of belonging in a safe structured creative environment. A place for socialization connection and purpose.

8. Is there parking available with ADA access?

Parking is available next to the facility with ADA parking spaces and access.


Yes, there is and there will be ADA parking access. Our entrance will be from the parking lot, not from Mira Mesa Blvd., which will provide easier and safer accessibility for everyone.

9. Are there restrooms?

Parking is available next to the facility with ADA parking spaces and access.


Yes, there will be restrooms.

10.OUTREACH - What public outreach have you done for this facility?

A survey was distributed to Mira Mesa High School students in Winter 2022. A similar survey was distributed to the community surrounding the Epicentre and was released online and in-person from Sept. 13 to Oct 3. Mira Mesa residences and businesses of the building were notified via U.S. Mail.within one mile

Other outreach activities include: • Mira Mesa Town Council meetings • Mira Mesa Cluster Schools Council meetings • Mira Mesa Street Fair (Oct. 1, 2022) • Public Meeting (Nov. 10, 2022) • Direct conversations via phone, email, and in person.


We are gathering info in several ways. In addition to holding dialoques where open-ended questions are asked verses the multiple-choice option. We are interacting via email and social media with hundreds of people. Most notably many of us have volunteered and/or socialized for years with thousands of people in close proximity to and to the Epicentre itself. In other words, we have relationships with the people who don’t go to meetings, the people who participate in the programs and utilize the facilities that are available. We hear and listen to their voices.

11. ENVIRONMENTAL - Will the project comply with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)??

Yes, the project will comply with CEQA and all applicable environmental regulations. For more information, connect with our Resource Management Division team member, Emily Pacholski at Emily.Pacholski@sdcounty.ca.gov


Yes, we will comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

12.What are the hours of operations?

Anticipated operating hours are Monday through Friday, 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. These times are subject to change based on available resources. The property may also be reserved for public meetings and private events seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. These times are subject to change based on available resources. Operating hours will be continuously evaluated and adjusted to meet the needs of local community.


Operating hours will be 9am to 7pm Monday through Friday. 1pm to 6 pm Saturday and Sunday. Auditorium hours as needed. Operating hours will be continuously evaluated and adjusted to meet the needs of the surrounding communities.

13. What type of programs will be offered?

The Epicentre will offer programs for people of all ages, abilities, and interests, with a special focus on activities for youth ages 10 to 18. Programs may include tutoring, mentoring, career counseling, performing and visual arts, gardening and cooking demonstrations, various recreational classes and tournaments, and intergenerational programs with the neighboring senior center.

The facility will also serve as a hub for the SD Nights program (short for Safe Destination Nights), in which staff coordinate events for teens in urban areas, to keep them off the streets during critical hours and may be booked for private events like birthdays and retirement celebrations.


Our vision includes and expands on the counties tentative proposed plan. The Cultural performing arts center will by its very design encompass and drive many programs automatically including but not limited to classes in writing, producing, directing, acting, singing, dancing, set design, sewing and costume design, sales and marketing, public speaking, film and video, music making both traditional and electronic. 

Cultural performances and art displays on a rotating basis reflecting the many ethnicities of the community. Most programs will be open to all ages if appropriate. The Auditorium may be rented for private performances using a model like that of the self-supporting Mira Mesa Senior Center.

14. What type of amenities will be offered in and outside the facility?

The final plan has not been released. However, according to the community feedback we have received so far, preferred interior amenities include a lounge area, game tables, arcade, computer lab and homework area, music room, fitness equipment, stage with audio and visual equipment, demonstration kitchen, and multi-purpose space. Preferred exterior amenities include central gathering areas, open turf areas, garden boxes, and outdoor sport courts.


Amenities will be a performing arts center, and a building that will have a large multi-purposed area to be used for programs, meetings, and can be reserved for private events like birthdays, anniversaries, and fundraisers.

We also will have a workable inviting and visible space for our Community RSVP and would like to invite back a police storefront.

Outside will be most importantly aesthetically pleasing and be a place the community can showcase with pride.

15. Will the Epicentre be reservable?

Yes. Reservations will be able to be made through staff on-site or by contacting the County Parks and Recreation Reservation Desk. View venue availability at https://reservations.sdparks.org/.


Yes, the center as well as the auditorium will be reservable.

16. SAFETY - How will safety and security of the facility be maintained?

One of the wings of the Epicentre building is currently occupied by City of San Diego Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol police force. Having a police force in the facility creates a sense of safety for the building and surrounding area. 

DPR plans to work with the City to share occupancy of the facility, during facility operating hours and whenever the facility is reserved for special events. The facility will be locked during non-operating hours with exterior and interior security cameras and a security alarm system. DPR encourages all facility users to flag issues in or around the area by contacting staff, reaching out to the Sheriff’s Office, or calling 911.

 Emergency numbers will be shared on facility signs.


We don’t know if policing a building is in the purview of the RSVP. However, there will be a security system and cameras. We would like to bring back the Police Storefront.


How can I stay informed If you would like to receive e-mail updates throughout the development process, please email Park Project Manager Alyssa Way at AlyssaP.Way@sdcounty.ca.gov to be added to the distribution list. To learn more about the project, and other DPR development projects, visit sdparks.org > Plans > Development Projects > Mira Mesa Epicentre.

For other comments or questions, please email Alyssa Way at AlyssaP.Way@sdcounty.ca.gov or by phone at 619-221-3468.


Attending one of our communities’ dialogues on the future of the Mira Mesa Performing Cultural Arts Center. Join our Facebook page Friends of Mira Mesa Arts and Culture or contact us at info@miramesacenterforartsandculture.org


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Letter campaign to city letters to let community plan our own future.

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Who are Friends of Mira Mesa Arts & Culture?

We are a group of individuals who have joined together to form a community that is passionate and dedicated to promoting and celebrating arts and culture in Mira Mesa. We believe Mira Mesa is the
perfect location for a Performing arts and Cultural Center because of its location, cultural diversity, strong music, art, and theatre communities.

Mira Mesa is also a hub for anime, comic, and cosplay groups and our community is well known as having a deep well of talent for leaders in gaming, multimedia, digital, and social arts. This page serves as a platform for members to share information, ideas, and updates on local arts and culture groups, initiatives, and events and to serve as a place to connect with others who share similar interests